
Yan, Tan, Tethera, Methera…

New toys

I have taken possession (temporarily as it turns out – read on) of my Christmas presents from my SO. Yep, finally got round to inspecting a swift in the flesh and confirming that it fitted the bill, and got the ball winder to go with it.

The shopping expedition was part of a weekend in the smoke with my lovely friends which culminated with a trip to I Knit London.  I really don’t know how, but I managed to resist buying ANY yarn at all – poverty has never got in the way before!  But Gill made up for it by deciding it was time to learn how to make a Möbius scarf and getting 4 skeins of fabulous Fyberspates Scrumptious. Then we got back to Wimbledonia and tried out the new kit.

Skein loaded on swift and ready to go

How have I managed without a swift for so long?!

The ball winder is great too, and the yarny patterns it makes as it winds are quite hypnotic, like spirograph (how that dates me).

So all of Gill’s yarn was balled in a trice and I looked forward to getting stuck into some serious swifting at home.

Gill's yarn wound on the ball winder

Best laid plans and all that… the bag with the boxes is still languishing chez Judith, having hidden itself from view when it came to car loading time.

Sigh. Another trip to Wimbledon beckons.

However I do have a whole bag of lovely North Ronaldsay/Silk 4ply to play with – birthday present from Gill – and several commissions to be getting on with – thank you Barovas, you know who you are!

Update Aug 1st:  Finally got my stuff back!  No stopping me now…

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